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Our Mission

Our Mission

The Gainesboro-Jackson County Chamber of Commerce exists to improve the quality of life in Jackson County by maximizing the positive economic impact of activities of businesses in the county. We serve the businesses and residents of Jackson and surrounding counties.



Bring together all stakeholders in such a way as to develop the Gainesboro-Jackson County Chamber of Commerce so that it will be a source of pride as well as becoming the driver for economic development in Jackson County.



These serve as the guiding principles for our conduct and behaviour as we work towards our vision

Team Building: We will bring together all groups and individuals necessary and utilize their talents to accomplish our vision.

Local Emphasis: We will look first locally to fulfill all aspects of our vision. We will maximize all positive impacts to the local economy first and foremost.

Regional Thinking: We will always remember that economic development is a REGIONAL activity and act accordingly. We will utilize the basic values of Team Building and Local Emphasis on a regional level as appropriate.

Honesty and Integrity: We will NEVER misrepresent the facts or knowingly or intentionally allow others to do so who work alongside us.

Business Acumen: We will recruit local experts in various business disciplines to build and operate this office in a professional, efficient, effective and economically responsible matter.